Have you ever dreamed of saving a significant percentage on your auto insurance? Well, Jamie Means made it happen. By making a few strategic decisions, she managed to cut her premiums by an impressive 37%. In this article, we will explore the steps Jamie took to achieve these incredible savings and provide you with valuable tips to do the same.

Jamie Means’ story

Jamie’s journey to saving 37% on her auto insurance serves as an inspiration to all drivers seeking to cut costs and achieve financial freedom. Her determination, research, and willingness to adapt her insurance coverage resulted in substantial savings. By implementing similar strategies, you too can seize control of your auto insurance expenses

Read: How to Qualify for Auto Insurance Discounts

Switching insurers

Why Jamie Means switched insurers

Jamie Means realized that she was paying much more for her auto insurance than was necessary. After conducting some research, she discovered that her current insurer had significantly higher rates compared to other providers in the market. Feeling frustrated and determined to take control of her finances, Jamie made the decision to switch insurers.

How to compare auto insurance quotes

When comparing auto insurance quotes, it’s essential to remember that the lowest price doesn’t always mean the best coverage. Jamie understood the importance of finding a balance between affordability and comprehensive protection. She diligently researched and compared quotes from multiple insurers, considering factors such as coverage limits, deductibles, and additional benefits.

Tips for switching auto insurers

  1. Start by obtaining quotes from at least three different insurance companies to ensure you have a variety of options.
    • Make sure to do some research on the reputation and customer satisfaction ratings of each insurer.
    • Consider the financial stability of the company to ensure they can handle claims.
  2. Review the coverage details and policy terms carefully to understand the benefits and limitations.
  3. Contact your current insurer to let them know about your intention to switch. In some cases, they may offer you better rates to retain your business.
  4. Ensure a seamless transition by coordinating the start and end dates of your policies with the new insurer.

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Increasing your deductibles

What is a deductible?

A deductible refers to the amount of money the policyholder agrees to pay out-of-pocket before their insurance coverage kicks in. Jamie decided to increase her deductibles to reduce her auto insurance premiums. It’s important to note that a higher deductible means taking on more financial responsibility in the event of a claim.

How increasing your deductible can save you money on auto insurance

By increasing her deductibles, Jamie was able to lower her monthly premiums significantly. Insurance companies view policyholders who assume a higher deductible as less likely to file minor or unnecessary claims, reducing the insurer’s risk. As a result, they reward these responsible drivers by offering lower premiums.

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Tips for increasing your deductible

  1. Evaluate your financial situation carefully before raising your deductibles. Make sure you can afford to pay the higher deductible if an accident occurs.
  2. Consider your driving history and risk tolerance. If you have a good driving record and believe you are a low-risk driver, increasing your deductible may be a viable option.
  3. Consult with your insurance agent or representative to understand the potential savings associated with raising your deductibles.

Usage-based insurance

What is usage-based insurance?

Usage-based insurance (UBI) is a program that utilizes telematic devices to track and assess a driver’s behavior and habits. This technology allows insurers to determine insurance premiums based on actual driving data instead of relying solely on statistical models.

How usage-based insurance programs work

UBI programs involve installing a telematic device in a vehicle that collects data related to driving behavior. This data may include factors such as mileage, speed, acceleration, braking patterns, and even time of day. Insurers analyze this data to assess the level of risk posed by the policyholder and adjust premiums accordingly.

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How to save money with usage-based insurance

By opting for a usage-based insurance program, Jamie Means was able to save a significant amount on her premiums due to her safe driving habits. To save money with UBI, follow these tips:

  1. Drive safely and responsibly: Maintain a good driving record by obeying traffic laws and avoiding accidents or tickets.
  2. Avoid high-risk driving times: Some UBI programs consider the time of day you are driving. By avoiding rush hour or late-night driving, you may qualify for additional savings.
  3. Be mindful of your mileage: Many UBI programs factor in the number of miles driven. Limiting unnecessary trips or using alternative modes of transportation can help reduce your premiums.

Tips for other drivers

  • Regularly review your auto insurance coverage and rates to ensure you are not overpaying.
  • If you find a better offer with another insurer, do not be hesitant to switch.
  • Consider increasing your deductibles if it aligns with your financial capabilities and risk tolerance.
  • Discover insurance programs that offer incentives, for practicing driving habits.

Read: How to Save on Car Insurance: Tips and Tricks for Auto Owners


Cutting costs on auto insurance may seem like an impossible task, but Jamie Means proved otherwise. By switching insurers, increasing her deductibles, and participating in a usage-based insurance program, Jamie saved an impressive 37% on her premiums. Follow in her footsteps and take control of your auto insurance expenses today. Remember, by comparing quotes, adjusting deductibles, and embracing new technologies, you too can achieve significant savings without sacrificing coverage. Start your journey towards financial freedom now!

Remember, you are just a few steps away from maximizing your savings on auto insurance. Don’t wait any longer; take action, and let Jamie Means’ story inspire you to make the necessary changes. Your wallet will thank you!

Featured Image Credit: NYTimes

Categories: Insurance


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